Love Expressed

The sound of silence greeted me today..
Quiet is playing over the land..
The birds, trees, and even the breeze outside is quiet.
I breath in this still ness.
This quiet orchestra..
This full sound of nothing.
I know it’s you God.
Only you can bring such a profound feeling of peace in a space filled with nothing.
In a world filled with constant stimulation.
Quiet can bring restlessness or boredom.
Not today…
With so much chaos and unimaginable pain and unexplainable tragedy…
My mind has asked .. Why? What is this purpose?
But today greeted me with no Anxiousness.
Today the silence is filled with a Grand Expression of Love!
With a whisper of Peace Be Still
And reminder to…Be Still and Know
I am God!
I am with you!
I am in you as an expression of you!
You are my divine idea, just like the stars, moon, galaxy and universe itself!
You are Mine, my Love and my Grandest Creation..
I am here always.. waiting for you.. in the silence!
My cup runner over with gratitude for this moment!
The oneness I feel with everything.
The silence is filled with Peace and Unspeakable Joy.
Even the wind, trees and birds had to take notice,
had to stop and bear witness,
of this Magnificent Expression of Love!

© Toyia Denise


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